Oceanovation Festival


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AETHIC leads the personal care sector in developing ocean-safe products. 

It produces and markets the world’s only proven and patented reef-safe sunscreens and also a high-end face cream made a with a patented sun-protective ingredient extracted sustainably from edible red seaweed. It has bio-surfactant in development for a range extension into shampoo.

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Arctic Reflections has the moonshot ambition to restore Arctic Sea Ice to counter global warming. They do this by thickening the sea ice in winter, to preserve the reflective properties of the ice in summer. This winter, they did successful field tests in the Canadian Arctic and at Svalbard, in order to validate their positive climate impact potential. Next winter, they are preparing a larger scale demonstration project, in order to prove scalability, for which they are currently fund raising. While sharp carbon emission reductions are needed, they are not sufficient anymore to avoid a first virtually ice-free Arctic. Arctic Reflections has a simple, tech-enabled, nature based solution for this.

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Brilliant Planet uses the power of photosynthesis to remove carbon dioxide from the Esrth’s atmosphere. We produce marine micro algae and convert it into dry stable biomass. We then bury that biomass, where its high carbon content remains locked away for tens of thousands of years. This removes CO₂ permanently from the atmosphere. In the process we also deacidify vast amounts of seawater, strengthening the local coastal ecosystem. 

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Coastruction is a Rotterdam-based Startup that specializes in the design, production, and installation of sustainable 3D purpose-built reefs units to aid in the restoration of damaged reef systems, protect vulnerable coastlines and support the local economies of reef-dependent communities through fisheries enhancement and tourism. These reef units are designed to mimic natural reefs using biomimicry technology to create a habitat conducive to marine life. The company also manufactures its own 3D printers, which use a unique powder bed technology to create biomimetic reef structures comprising  natural materials and a hint of  . These 3D printers are transportable to allow on-site printing using local materials, ensuring that the artificial reefs are well-suited to their environment and are sustainable.

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Envjoy is a startup based in Barcelona that empowers companies to engage and retain more customers through beautiful immersive experiences, focused on the natural environment.

The experiences we create engage the final users with facts, curiosities and games and allow them to touch and explore in 3D even things impossible to be observed in nature.

Thus, Envjoy provides companies with a tool that may directly impact their economic performance (e.g. attract more clients, differentiate, and reduce costs) and/or communicate their corporate social responsibility efforts (e.g. with solutions that foster the raising awareness and the adoption of sustainable habits).

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Fisher is a tilapia farm and technology producer, based in Brazil, which goal is to develop the full potential of Brazilian aquaculture, providing healthy and sustainable food at affordable prices.

Fisher has developed and patented a unique cage production system designed specifically for the conditions of Brazilian reservoirs. Our cage system increases efficiency in terms of labour and inputs (feed, fuel), and improves control over production. It has built in devices for feeding, harvesting, classification and maintenance that reduce the use of manual activities and improve the control of processes.

Currently we are producing 3,000 t of tilapia per year. We strive to leverage our competitive advantages and bring our tilapia production to 8,400 mt/annum by 2026 and 42,000 mt/annum at multiple, optimal sites throughout Brazil by 2030. After the expansion of our own production, the goal is to provide technology to other producers so it can become the prevalent system of production and transform Brazilian aquiculture.

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FLASC is a start-up working on non-battery energy storage for offshore applications. It is tackling a fundamental problem: the mismatch between renewable energy supply and consumer demand. Renewable energy is not stable and predictable and neither is the demand. Integrating storage with renewables can be a solution to this problem. 

It is the first solution tailored for co-location with offshore wind. It is based on an advanced hydro-pneumatic liquid piston concept where electricity is stored by pumping a liquid to compress a volume of air. Using a patented pre-charging concept, and the marine environment itself as a natural heatsink, the compression process is optimised to achieve very high efficiencies, resulting in an offshore solution that is cost-competitive with land-based storage. 

With a co-located FLASC system, offshore wind farms can become an active provider of grid flexibility when using energy storage. Recent studies show that this can add 10-20% more value to the wind farm output by improving the way it is monetised. 

The FLASC technology is covered by international patents, received a Statement of Feasibility from DNV and recently selected for funding under the prestigious EIC Accelerator.

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The world is in need of sustainable proteins, ingredients and fuels. Seaweed is an underutilised sustainable source. GOA Ventures offers a cutting edge refining blue biotechnology to convert fresh seaweed efficiently. Our patented refinery technology enables to retrieve multiple valuable low ecoimpact materials from each kg of fresh seaweed

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We help companies become nature positive by restoring coastal ecosystems such as mangroves, partnering with local communities and providing them the technology to scale and monitor their work.

Beyond just trees planted or carbon credits, we break our projects down into 3x3m units of nature, each one unique updated continuously with climate, biodiversity and social impact data collected by our local partners and ensuring them a fair compensation as stewards of nature. These units of nature allow companies to transparently show an impact beyond a tree, to the other plants and animals in the ecosystem and the communities that rely on it.

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Aquaculture feeds cause overfishing through the use of fishmeal as a key ingredient. The scarcity of forage fish also caused a 5x price increase in fishmeal, which, additionally is a carrier of microplastics.

Ittinsect produces high performance sustainable feed ingredients, through the biotechnological treatment of insects and agricultural by-products, in line with the circular economy principles.

We replicate the micro-nutritional profile of fishmeal by extracting and combining high-value proteins from low-value raw material that makes the proteins 8x more bioavailable and it eliminates anti-nutritional factors like fibre and chitin.

Our clients are fish feed and (in the future) poultry feed producers.

We are scaling our production from 60 tons in 2023 to 700 tons in 2024.

Feeds made with Ittinsect ingredient are used by fish farmers including the largest caviar exporter in the world and trout farmers linked to the largest Italian supermarket chain.

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Keelspot is a digital marketplace revolutionizing European coastal shipping by connecting shipowners and cargo owners, optimizing vessel utilization, enhancing operational efficiency, and reducing environmental impact.

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KIDEMIS is producing plant based replacement for fishmeal by upcycling agrifood sidestreams with mycelium fermentation. KIDEMIS mycoprotein will help to support sustainable aquaculture and reduce existing pressure on the ocean ecosystem.

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On a single spectacular peninsula in Iceland, pristine arctic waters work in harmony with the natural filtration of up to 200,000-year-old lava beds, and geothermal energy provides constant 10-12°C temperatures. It is here, within this ecosystem of perfect synergy, that we raise the finest and most sustainable Arctic char in the world.

The northernmost freshwater fish on earth, Arctic char is delicately flavoured, with a rich, flaky texture and beautiful pink color.

We engineered a trailblazing land-based aquaculture facility, creating what is arguably the lowest impact, most responsible way to raise strong, thriving fish.

Production is fully integrated with the natural ecosystem: We source all our water from precipitation and snowmelt naturally filtered and heated by the volcanic lava beds that make up the landscape. 

We hatch our own fish, never drawing from the ocean or lakes. And we use only 100% clean geothermal electricity to power our energy efficient facilities, never taking more than we need.

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We LOVE our oceans! We believe the world is ready for tasty alternatives to seafood. We believe we can turn our diets into a force for good to protect Mother Ocean. Monkeys By The Sea looks beyond the sea by getting the best taste and nutrition, sourcing the very best ingredients from plants, both from the land and the sea.

Monkey by the Sea’s seafood alternatives such as tuna chunks, fish fillets and seaweed fish bites are used by innovative chefs at restaurants, hotels as well as corporate- and event caterers. Monkeys by the Sea is one of the early pioneers in the global alternative seafood community and a sponsor of the SEAFIRST Foundation, an NGO that advocates Ocean Literacy for the next generations. Come try these mouthwatering products at the OCEANOVATION Festival to discuss partnerships and collaboration. No Monkey Business, Just Delicious!

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At Ocean Ecostructures, we are a BlueTech company pioneering marine biodiversity regeneration to offset the adverse effects of human activity in infrastructures like ports and offshore platforms, transforming them into Nature Positive zones. With our Bio Boosting Systems that regenerate marine biodiversity we reshape infrastructures as allies of the ocean, turning them into blue oases.

Through the installation of Life Boosting Units (LBU), we mimic natural reefs, multiplying species by up to sixfold. Utilizing underwater drones (ROVs), we monitor parameters such as species diversity, CO2 sequestration, and water quality. Stored in the cloud, this data is reported via the iOceans platform, aiding clients in ESG strategies.

Founded in 2021 in Barcelona by Ignasi Ferrer, Mireia de Mas, and Anna Lloveras, our aim is to transform 20,000 marine infrastructures into blue oases by 2030. We’ve already detected 270+ new different species, sequestered approximately 830kg of CO2, and accumulated almost 2 tons of biomass. Collaborating with top entities like CTN and Azti-Tecnalia, we are recognized by accelerators like Norrsken and the Repsol Foundation, and have been finalists for the best startup in 4Y4N, selected by the NASDAQ Entrepreneurial Center for startup acceleration

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Ocean Ledger provides a geospatial MRV solution to unlock private capital for coastal conservation & restoration.

Off the back of 8 years of R&D at the German Aerospace Center, the company has developed a proprietary tech stack that leverages earth observation, machine learning & modelling to measure ecosystem extent, condition & value across space & time. With a mission to turn coastal risk into an investable asset, the company helps project developers, businesses and asset managers de-risk cost-effective restoration and conservation efforts, providing all the analytics and tools to align with market mechanisms (nature-related disclosure, credits, bonds) and quantify impact.

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REDstack is developing and implementing the Blue Energy Technology, to harvest power out of contacting 2 flows of water with different salinity. Where a river flows into the sea, of other flows with different salt concentrations meet, significant amounts of Power can be harvested.
The harvested Power is not only full-continuous, it also is full sustainable and renewable. Therefor it contributes not only to grid-stability, but also will play a significant role in the Energy Transition. The worldwide potential is at least 1 TW ( full continuous).

The Pilot Plant in the Netherlands (TRL7) is performing successfully, a project for upscaling into TRL8 is started, and REDstack is preparing to implement a Demonstration Scale project in Europe, India, China, or Korea. The Full Scale Blue Energy Power Plants will have only very small ecological footprints and can be implemented even in ecological sensitive sites. The LCoE will be attractive, in relation to other types of sustainable power , in combination with the required conversion and storage systems.

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Seabots is a tech startup dedicated to making marine data accessible through innovative robotics.

In the face of global challenges like climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss, Seabots has developed advanced robots that explore and monitor the oceans efficiently and safely.

Our autonomous technology collects and analyzes a wide range of marine data. Using artificial intelligence, we transform this information into valuable insights, enabling scientists, industries, and environmental managers to make more precise and informed decisions.

At Seabots, we aspire to make technology a fundamental ally in the conservation of the marine environment, which is vital for the planet’s health. We are committed to ensuring that our technological efforts contribute to the sustainable well-being and progress of future generations.

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SeaO2 is a Dutch Ocean Carbon Removal company committed to addressing climate change through removing CO2 from the atmosphere at gigaton-scale, harnessing the potential of the oceans.

SeaO2’s solution, Direct Ocean Capture, relies solely on renewable electricity and seawater to extract CO2 from the surface of seawater and consequently from the atmosphere in a scalable and cost-effective way. The process uses electrochemistry and vacuum to shift the carbonate equilibrium of the existing Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in water to enable CO2 extraction in gas form, which is then permanently stored in geological formations or utilised into products such as concrete with third parties.

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Envision a world where renewable energy flows continuously, day and night, all year round. That’s precisely what we work on at SeaQurrent. The existing mix of energy solutions is incomplete. We need more new clean, reliable and affordable energy. When sun or wind are not available our energy supply is still depending on fossil fuels. That is why we develop our breakthrough technology, the TidalKite, to harness the continuous supply of renewable energy from the tides.

The patented multi-wing TidalKite™️ provides renewable baseload power at a competetive cost, complementing solar and wind. This leads to a higher capture rate, ensuring stable revenues. Thanks to the high energy yield, TidalKite farms are versatile, suitable for deployment across all tidal segments, effectively doubling the tidal energy market potential in size. Moreover, TidalKite is designed to be 100% recyclable, safe and eco-friendly.  

It is our mission to make the TidalKite a mainstream energy solution in the next decade. To make a huge positive impact on our world, for future generations, for good.

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SeaTheFuture is a purpose driven organization that brings together individuals, businesses, and ocean conservation projects to work collectively towards the global challenge of protecting the invaluable life the Ocean sustains.
We offer a curated and certified selection of impactful and scientifically backed marine conservation projects to support. With SeaTheFuture becoming an active caretaker of the Ocean is made simple, receiving full transparency and traceability of the projects’ funds and activities implemented, impact metrics, as well as a communication package and toolkit to boost awareness to protect the sea.
With our multi-skilled team, ranging from conservation, business and social media strategists, including content creators and film directors, we deeply support these projects and their communities by taking on the hard work of fundraising and storytelling; so they can focus on what they do best: to protect the endangered species and habitats the planet depends on.

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Sea the Change is an innovative startup with the mission of connecting companies’ sustainability needs & Oceans protection. Sea the Change helps companies reach their sustainability goals through the preservation of Oceans and marine ecosystems, with a focus on local communities.

StC platform will be the gate for companies to find the most suitable solution based on their ESG goals. 

The “sustainable sea-based solutions,” are designed to offer the client company the generation of a positive impact concerning ESG criteria.

Sea the Change, analyzes and researches projects with a positive impact on the seas, marine ecosystems, and local communities, making them usable and accessible to companies as CSR policies. In addition, the startup offers dedicated sustainability services to specific sectors deemed strategic, services offered include: decarbonization pathways, impact assessment, and co-design of experiential regenerative tourism pathways.

The impact report generated by the solutions is based on international standards such as GRI & ESRS, plus uses a methodology specific for Oceans impact, so usable in the sustainability report.

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SensFish is developing a solution to produce holistic fish stock maps with high spatial and temporal resolution to support decisions of policymakers, fisheries, certification bodies and society. Consequently, we are aiming at greater sustainability and resilience of fish stock against the impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss, ocean pollution and overfishing.

SensFish provides consistent and up-to-date insight into fish populations (by species) and ocean conditions by integrating diverse data streams (satellite earth observation, fishing activity – fish landings, vessel position and underwater – audio, video) into a seamless, capable and holistic solution, by utilizing advanced methods like AI and Machine Learning.

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Slow Mill develops a unique and innovative technology for generating renewable energy from oceans waves to deliver to communities all around the world.

We are focused on harnessing wave energy from the oceans to provide renewable energy and services in a sustainable, affordable and resilient way.

Currently we are testing offshore our first model, the Slowmill-40 in front of the coast of Scheveningen, The Hague. Next year, we will deploy our fullscale unit and provide clean energy for 100 households at the island of Texel. 

Next step will be to power more islands and to colocate our wave energy devices with wind farms at the North Sea. This enhances the energy production on the same footprint and gives a smoother production profile. 

Our unique anchor system functions also a nature-enhancing solution while at the same time protects vulnerable coasts.

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The world’s aquatic ecosystems are badly out of balance, causing biodiversity loss, driving climate change and reducing food security. 

Sundew is a blue biotech, dedicated to restoring the balance. 

We provide effective, affordable and environmentally benign products to solve key aquatic challenges. Products that are specific to the target and non-persistent in the environment. 

We have two technology platforms based on synthetic biology and precision fermentation. The first is based on extracts from natural microbes, the second on engineered microalgae. We have extensive IP on both. 

We have an experienced team which has previously developed successful products and taken several startup ventures to exit. 

Our first product – Biokos ™, a natural  treatment for a number of parasites of freshwater fish – is already on the market.

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We are revolutionizing European market access (B2B) through vertical integration for mission-driven blue food farmers by creating a fully transparent ecosystem. Our integrated model emphasizes fair distribution and value creation, rendering us up to 15% more competitive, while farmers retain up to 30% better value for their produce. Partnering with 15 farming operations, we monetize the entire fish and by-products, projecting growth to €40 million in 5 years, and breaking even in the first 2 years.

Our seasoned team brings expertise in farm-to-fork integrated development, supported by a strong advisory board. The outcome of our work will be a more resilient food supply chain with fair value distribution for all relevant stakeholders. By ensuring that farmers receive better value, we enable them to invest in more sustainable practices, contributing to long-term ecological and economic benefits.

Our mission is to create a sustainable food supply chain that benefits everyone involved. We are committed to fostering a future where blue food farming thrives, sustainability is prioritized, and the food supply chain is more transparent and equitable.

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Vlinder is an Austria-based climate technology startup founded in 2019, dedicated to large-scale mangrove reforestation. The company focuses on restoring degraded coastal areas by planting mangrove trees to sequester carbon dioxide (CO2) and creating high-quality blue carbon credits. Vlinder’s mission is to become a “mangrove phoenix,” achieving the $1 billion value of ecosystem services generated annually by restored mangrove habitats.

The company employs innovative technologies such as drones for planting, computer vision for degradation assessment, and blockchain for project monitoring and carbon credit management. The key distinction of the company is the focus on community-based restoration, with fair gross carbon revenue sharing, socioeconomic microdata measurements and clear governance mechanisms – to be the best in class source for social blue carbon. Vlinder’s projects, located in countries like Kenya, Myanmar, and Indonesia, aim to address the escalating climate crisis by providing a scalable and sustainable solution for carbon removal. Through strategic partnerships and forward sales of carbon credits, Vlinder is working to attract significant institutional investment and achieve substantial environmental and social impact.

Vlinder’s approach includes a robust governance framework and a commitment to transparency and investor trust, positioning the company as a leader in the nature-based carbon removal market.

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Water2Energy Projects Ltd harnesses the energy in water flows by its proven fish friendly water turbines. A sustainable source of energy, complementary to wind and solar.

Our patented, proven, technology and our passionated teams make us a reliable partner for your tidal energy solutions. Supported by 2 main Interreg programs, Encore and Offshore For Sure, Water2Energy continues to innovate and validate its vertical axis water turbines. Models are designed for both open water and restricted flow conditions.

A smaller low budget model of 5 kW is under construction for rural areas in developing countries without a grid connection. A bigger demonstration turbine of 50 to 80 kW is now running in Vlissingen and can be seen from nearby in the bypasses of the locks next to the railway station. A visit can be planned via info@water2energy.nl  and we would be happy to show and explain its advantages in more detail at the demo-site to our potential clients or new cooperative partners . Until 2026 and within the O4S project we will further develop the bigger 50 to 100 and 200 kW models.

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Progress has always been driven by human ingenuity and its capacity to change the world. Zeal’s vision is to create technological innovations that solve the planet’s most intractable social challenges.

Our Kiwi origins reflect New Zealand’s pioneering heritage, and its culture of innovation. We’re passionate about technology, but not merely for its own sake. What matters is how it can improve our lives. Take for example Uptime, our solution to save lives at sea.

More than 100,000 fishers die at sea each year. The single greatest factor in reducing this number is affordable location services with worldwide coverage. Uptime is a technology solution aimed squarely at this problem by providing an inexpensive solution to track lost seaman in realtime and to mobilise rescue efforts with minimal delay. The technology can also be applied to fishing nets to reduce the detrimental effects of ghost gear.

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ZULU Associates is active as initiator, developer and operator of innovations in the marine component of logistic chains. 
Its goal is to enable zero emission operation of freight vessels on inland waterways, short sea and coastal routes through 
alternative propulsion based on modular power packs combined with remote control and autonomous operation.
It currently develops a fleet of inland barges and short sea vessels that is being proposed to potential clients on a time charter basis.
The first units for inland waterway freight flows are planned to be in operation by mid 2025.


Ready to make a splash with your ocean impact start-up at OCEANOVATION Festival 2024!

Secure your spot today for global exposure, strategic networking with industry leaders, real-time validation of your ideas, access to expert insights, and potential funding opportunities.   Don’t miss this chance to propel your start-up to new heights!

        • Prime Demo Space: A perfect spot to showcase your company and solutions, complete with branded signage, power, and Wi-Fi.
        • A 5-minute Speaking Slot to Pitch Your Company: Your chance to shine in front of potential partners and investors.
        • 3 All-Access Festival Tickets for Your Team: So your whole crew can soak up the full festival experience.
        • Full Access to Festival Matchmaking App: Seamlessly connect with attendees and schedule meetings.
        • Company Showcase on Festival Website and App: Get your company in the spotlight with a comprehensive profile.
        •  Special Discount Link: Share the love with your network and invite them to join you at the festival. 

Get in touch and put the spotlight on your start-up at OCEANOVATION Festival 2024!



Join us for two transformative days filled with innovation, inspiration, and meaningful networking.

Be part of the movement shaping a sustainable future for our Ocean.


Whether you’re eager to showcase your startup, share your insights on stage, mentor the next wave of innovators, or explore partnerships for impact, become sponsor, your involvement is what makes our event special.